Thursday, December 17, 2015

Ayurveda for Hair Loss and Graying

Ayurveda for Hair Loss and Graying
In Ayurveda, hair fall is referred to as ‘khalitya’ and premature graying of hair is termed as ‘Palitya’. Both khalitya and Palitya are considered as pure paitik (arising out of ‘pitta’) disorders. It means, when you continuously disturb ‘pitta’ (heat in your body), it can gray your hair. So, according to Ayurveda, if you consume pitta enhancing substances, your pitta aggravates and cause gray hair. From ayurvedic point of view, good hair growth is linked to one’s physical and mental health. When one is cheerful, the hair looks lively, alternatively when one is feeling depressed and pessimistic, the hair acquires a fallen and lifeless look.

According to Ayurveda, hair is a byproduct of bone formation and the tissue responsible for building bones is also responsible for the growth of hair. Early hair loss is related to body type and the balance of the mind-body constitution (doshas). Any problem with the hair will always indicate a dosha imbalance as well as a disequilibrium in the activities of your mind. People who have excess Pitta in their body are likely to lose their hair early in life, or have prematurely thin or gray hair. Excess Pitta in the sebaceous gland, at the root of the hair, or folliculitis can also lead to hair loss. Ayurveda recommends specialized home remedies to prevent as well as manage the gray hair all over the body. According to Ayurveda physiology the digestive essence (Rasa element) is responsible for healthy hair both color and structure. Any pathology affecting this leads to white hair. Correction of the causes with Ayurveda therapies and medicines, bring back the normalcy. Ayurveda says that the white hair after the middle age that is 82 is not reversible.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Other uses Neem Tree

The twigs are also used as tooth brush. One end is chewed to turn it into soft bristles to clean the teeth by brushing.

Toiletries: Neem oil is used for preparing cosmetics such as soap, shampoo, balms and creams as well as toothpaste.

Toothbrush: Traditionally, slender neem twigs (called datun;) are first chewed as a toothbrush and then split as a tongue cleaner. This practice has been in use in India, Africa, and the Middle East for centuries. Many of India's 80% rural population still start their day with the chewing stick, while in urban areas neem toothpaste is preferred. Neem twigs are still collected and sold in markets for this use, and in rural India one often sees youngsters in the streets chewing on neem twigs. It has been found to be as effective as a toothbrush in reducing plaque and gingival inflammation.

Tree: Besides its use in traditional Indian medicine, the neem tree is of great importance for its anti-desertification properties and possibly as a good carbon dioxide sink.

Neem gum is used as a bulking agent and for the preparation of special purpose foods.

Neem blossoms are used in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka to prepare Ugadi pachhadi. A mixture of neem flowers and jaggery (or unrefined brown sugar) is prepared and offered to friends and relatives, symbolic of sweet and bitter events in the upcoming new year, Ugadi. "Bevina hoovina gojju" (a type of curry prepared with neem blossoms) is common in Karnataka throughout the year. Dried blossoms are used when fresh blossoms are not available. In Tamil Nadu, a rasam (veppam poo rasam) made with neem blossoms is a culinary specialty.

Cosmetics : Neem is perceived in India as a beauty aid. Powdered leaves are a major component of at least one widely used facial cream. Purified neem oil is also used in nail polish and other cosmetics.

Bird repellent: Neem leaf boiled in water can be used as a very cost effective bird repellent, especially for sparrows.

Lubricant : Neem oil is non drying and it resists degradation better than most vegetable oils. In rural India, it is commonly used to grease cart wheels.

Fertilizer : Neem has demonstrated considerable potential as a fertilizer. Neem cake is widely used to fertilize cash crops, particularly sugarcane and vegetables. Ploughed into the soil, it protects plant roots from nematodes and white ants, probably as it contains the residual limonoids.In Karnataka, people grow the tree mainly for its green leaves and twigs, which they puddle into flooded rice fields before the rice seedlings are transplanted.

Resin : An exudate can be tapped from the trunk by wounding the bark. This high protein material is not a substitute for polysaccharide gum, such as gum arabic. It may however, have a potential as a food additive, and it is widely used in South Asia as "Neem glue".

Bark : Neem bark contains 14% tannin, an amount similar to that in conventional tannin yielding trees (such as Acacia decurrens). Moreover, it yields a strong, coarse fibre commonly woven into ropes in the villages of India.

Honey : In parts of Asia neem honey commands premium prices, and people promote apiculture by planting neem trees.

Soap : 80% of India's supply of neem oil is now used by neem oil soap manufacturers. Although much of it goes to small scale speciality soaps, often using cold-pressed oil, large scale producers also use it, mainly because it is cheap. Additionally it is antibacterial and antifungal, soothing and moisturising. It can be made with up to 40% neem oil. Well known brands include Margo. Generally, the crude oil is used to produce coarse laundry soaps.

Against pox viruses : In Tamil Nadu, people who are affected with pox viruses are generally made to lie in bed made of neem leaves and branches. This prevents the spreading of pox virus to others and has been in practice since early centuries. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

7 Ayurvedic home remedies To Heal Lower Back Pain

The following solutions reduce pain, particularly lower back pain. Here they are:

1. Stay warm.

One of the main qualities of vata dosha is that it's cold. That's why, whenever I used to wander around in the cold outdoors while growing up in Ohio, I used to notice that my pain would increase immediately, though I could not connect this cause of coldness and its effect of pain at that time. You know how we always want to be warmly tucked away in our bed whenever we feel ill? An important part of this picture of comfort is the warmth factor, which also applies to pain relief.

2. Reduce your intake of very pungent spices.

Consuming extremely pungent spices in your food, such as red and green chilies and wasabi, can have a very drying effect on the body. Because dryness is another one of the main qualities of vata dosha, it gets increased with drying substances, and this can lead to constipation, as well as lower back pain due to stasis of the stools.

3. Eat warm foods.

Because of the principle that like increases like, consuming cold food and drinks causes an increase in vata dosha, which leads to pain. Coldness creates constriction and congestion in the body, while the appropriate amount of heat provides expansion and allows the stool-carrying channels in the body (called srotas) to stay open so that we can optimally eliminate our food. And healthy elimination equals less pain.

4. Practice Padahastasana.

Padahastasana (standing forward fold pose) is a great Yoga pose for lower back pain in particular because it allows vata dosha to flow optimally throughout the body, eliminating the constriction of the stool-carrying channels that causes both constipation and lower back pain. Whenever Ayurveda clients suffer from lower back pain that is not due to muscular reasons, we recommend this pose as a way to help with elimination. I have personally noticed that when I have had difficulty eliminating and then have done so, my lower back pain has left my body at the same time as the stools have.

5. Oil your body.

My lower back pain has always intensified during stressful periods of my life. Ayurveda teaches how stress, exertion, depletion, and tiredness all increase vata dosha, and too much accumulated buildup of vata dosha leads to early aging, in addition to pain in various parts of the body, especially the lower back.

The skin, being the primary organ of vata dosha, can be compared to a leather bag. If this leather bag gets very dry, it will crack and can even completely break apart; the same bag, when oiled, however, is able to sustain itself. Oiling your body with warm sesame oil before taking a warm shower makes the skin healthy and strong, wards off aging, and reduces lower back pain.

6. Drink Bishop's weed seed tea.

Bishop's weed seeds (called Ajwain seeds in Hindi) can be found in virtually any Indian store and many health food stores. This Ayurvedic spice is highly beneficial for pain, as well as constipation, and can be safely taken by anyone not suffering from heat-related conditions. Any time I have lower back pain (usually during periods), I always boil Ajwain seeds in water and drink this tea. It provides instant pain relief.

7. Practice alternate nostril breathing.

Also called Anuloma Viloma, this Pranayama (breathing exercise) is the most beneficial breathing practice for balancing vata dosha. It greatly benefits lower back pain and other pain-related vata dosha conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and more.

Try the above tips today and you, too, can bid say goodbye for good to years of unnecessary lower back pain.

A Drink That Removes Fat In 4 Days

This simple drink can effectively remove fat deposits from key spots in the body.


  • 8 glasses of water
  • 1 tbsp grated ginger root
  • 1 fresh cucumber peeled and cut.
  • cut lemon pieces
  • 12 leaves of mint

Instructions: Mix the ingredients in a jar a night before consumption and consume the following day. Repeat the process for 4 days for visible results.

This drink when paired with a controlled diet may result in a flat stomach without any starvation. With water being the base ingredient, this drink will help flush out fat deposits by boosting metabolism and causing no side-effects.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

10 Ayurvedic Beauty Tips for Pimples

In the current times, it is very important to make smart choices as far as skin care is concerned. With umpteen options helping you deal with skin problems, Ayurveda is definitely one amongst them.

Over the years, this methodology has given us various holistic and easy ways to solve various skin and hair related problems. One common and highly irritating skin concerns comes in the form of pimples, so to say, they are the worst enemies for any girl.

Thus, to treat pimples, use Ayurveda as it includes simple, effective and basic remedies. Ayurvedic treatment for face, body and mind will help you achieve best results. Regardless of what remedy you use, always remember, if your skin is sensitive to one or some of the active natural ingredients then you should avoid using those remedies and opt for something else instead. If you pick the right ingredients and regularly apply these remedies, then the results will be outstanding.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples

Here we are providing you with some of the most recommended basic ayurvedic home remedies for pimples:

1. Basil or Tulsi paste:

Tulsi paste is great way to get rid of pimples when you use it on a regular basis. If you can’t get fresh basil, then you can grab a bottle of dried basil leaves from your local mall and steep it in warm water about 2-3 teaspoons such that a paste can be formed and use that on the face for about 10 minutes for 4-5 times a week.

2. Honey and Lemon Juice:

A mixture of honey and lemon juice is one of the simple yet effective homemade beauty tips for pimples treatment. Mix 1 tbsp of honey with 1 tbsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply it on the pimples as well as on the spots left out by pimples. Do not however apply on aggravated pimples because it can cause severe burning sensation. Keep on for 10 minutes and wash off, while you continue this 5-6 times a week, you are bound to find effective results.

3. Dry Roast Cinnamon and Honey:

You can slightly dry roast cinnamon or dalchini, finely grind them to use it for pimples. Make a paste by mixing cinnamon with honey and apply it at least 5-6 times a week for about 10-15 minutes before washing off.

4. Margosa or Neem leaves:

Neem leaves are perfect for treating pimples. Make a paste of neem leaves and apply on the targeted pimples. If you cannot get fresh neem leaves, try to get some dried bottled neem leaves, steep for 10 minutes in warm water and use as a paste.

5. Sesame Seeds:

Make a paste of sesame seeds, if you are using seeds, soak them overnight and then made into a fine paste or use the readily available powder. Keep them on for 10 minutes and see the difference.

6. Potato:

You can also apply potato juice/ slice/ grated potato directly on your pimples. Keep the sticky juice of the potato on the face for 10 minutes or more and then wash off. It gives a natural mild bleaching glow to the skin.

Note:- You can follow the same procedure with Tomato juice.

7.  Mint:

Soak some mint leaves and make a fresh paste because it has the quality to provide a cooling and astringent effect to the skin. Pimple’s stubbornness will reduce and they will reduce in size as well. Regular use of this ayurvedic medicine for pimples will help one get rid of the pimple marks too.

8. Nutmeg:

Nutmeg or jaiphal is a great spice that can be used to solve pimple problems. Make it into a fine powder, use it with water or milk in the form of a paste.Let it on for 10 minutes maximum before washing it off.

9. Cloves:

You can ground some Cloves in the same way, but the clove oil content in it may give an immense burning sensation when used on aggravated pimples. Use with milk or water in very less amount and test it on a patch before applying on major areas on the face.

10. Raw Papaya:

A great sticky ayurvedic treatment for acne and pimples is the white milk that comes out of the skin of a raw papaya and use it on the whole of face. Though it is sticky, if you use it on a regular basis, it can do wonders.

You can follow these basic steps also at home to prevent and reduce pimples:

  • Keep your face clean always off dirt and oil.
  • Make sure not to touch and scratch the pimples.
  • Make sure to use clean towels while wiping your face as dirty and unhygienic towels can aggravate pimples.
  • Ensure that pillow  you use has a clean cover that is washed at regular intervals.
  • Use non-comedogenic makeup and skin care products that are free of fragrances.
  • Eat healthy food and avoid all oily and junk.
  • Make sure to cleanse, moisturize, hydrate and scrub on regular intervals.

Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Kidney Stone

Natural home remedy using kidney beans

Take 60g kidney beans
Add 4 L of water
Heat for 4-5 hr
Strain the liquid through a fine muslin cloth
Allow the liquid to cool
Drink 1 glass of this liquid once every 2 hr in a day
Do this for a week
Do not use the liquid or the beans again 24 hr after the 1st preparation

Natural home remedy using kidney beans

Take 60g kidney beans
Add 4 L of water
Heat for 4-5 hr
Strain the liquid through a fine muslin cloth
Allow the liquid to cool
Drink 1 glass of this liquid once every 2 hr in a day
Do this for a week
Do not use the liquid or the beans again 24 hr after the 1st preparation

Natural home remedy using horse gram and pomegranate seeds

Take 1 cup of horse gram
Add ½ L water
Heat the mixture till water level reduces to 1/5th
Strain and collect the soup
Add 2 tsp of crushed pomegranate seeds
Mix well
Drink once a day

Natural home remedy using basil leaves and honey

Take 10-15 basil leaves
Crush them to make paste
Take 1 tsp of basil leaf paste
Press on a sieve and extract its juice
Add 1 tsp honey
Mix well
Drink this every day

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Health Benefits of Soybean

Low in fat, No Cholesterol
An Excellent Source of Fiber
Good for skin

Lowers the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease
Helpful in Osteoporosis
Reduce Hot Flushes Associated with Menopause
Good for Cognitive Abilities

Home Tips and Treatment for Hair Growth

Everybody wants to get good and healthy hair. More and more people are resorting to Ayurvedic remedies for all such problems. In Ayurveda, you have a number of simple steps to make your hair beautiful, healthy and strong. These are all power packed remedies that are sure to work out. All your hair problems are solved from inside to make your mane prefect. Read on to know what these remedies are, and how you must use them:

Amla, the Indian Gooseberry:

Amla or Amlaki is a very good ingredient for purifying your blood. It is very effective in giving you relief from indigestion. The Vitamin C content in amla solves all your hair problems from inside. Dry some amla and powder them. Mix this powder with warm water and make a paste. Apply this paste on your scalp to get thick and long hair. It promotes the growth of your hair and makes it black. It solves a lot of other health issues, too.

Black Rice for your Health

Black rice is a good source of antioxidants – a substance known for helping individuals flush out body wastes on a regular basis. Antioxidants can be found in coffee and tea but is definitely more prevalent in black rice.

Black rice contains a large amount of anthocyanins, an ingredient that is capable of lowering the risk of heart attack. It does this by preventing the buildup of plaques in the arteries which is the most common reason why heart attacks occur.
Aside from the two mentioned that have already been proven by science, black rice is also being looked at as possible prevention from serious illnesses. Some of the diseases it can prevent includes include Alzheimer’s, diabetes and even cancer.
Cultural Significance of Black Rice

Generations have used this Black Rice to mark an auspicious occasion. In Manipur, when you know your mom is cooking up some sweet Black Rice dish, you know there’s something special about that day. From feasts to festivals no celebration is complete without a delicious serving of Black Rice. This Sweet Black Rice dish has held cultural and traditional significance to the people of Manipur and other parts of Northeast India.

How to cook Black Rice?

The beauty of black rice is that it can be enjoyed as sweet or savory.  Yep it’s a versatile food with a whole lot of potential. Sticky and nutty it adds a lovely flavour and is the perfect alternative to your white or brown rice.

Black rice pudding recipe (for your sweet tooth):

 Yield: makes 8 servings

Active time: 10 min

Total time: 2 hr (includes cooling)


1 cup black rice

1/2 cup sugar

1 (13 1/2- to 15-oz) can unsweetened coconut milk, stirred well


Bring rice, 3 cups water, and 1/4 teaspoon salt to a boil in a 3- to 4-quart heavy saucepan, then reduce heat to a simmer, cover it with a tight-fitting lid, 45 minutes (rice will be cooked but still wet). Stir in sugar, a scant 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1 1/2 cups coconut milk and bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat to low and simmer, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until mixture is thick and rice is tender but still slightly chewy, about 30 minutes.

Remove from heat and cool to room temperature, stirring occasionally for at least 30 minutes. Just before serving, stir pudding and divide among 8 bowls. Stir remaining coconut milk and drizzle over pudding.

Once you go Black you’ll never go back.

There you have it. We’ve given you all the reasons to try the Forbidden Rice. Introduce this nutty flavoured black rice to your every day meals. Eat healthy and stay healthy.

Note: Don’t fret if the colour runs when you wash the rice. It’s completely natural for the rice to turn purple when cooked.

Foods For A Natural Testosterone Boost

Here are 4 “testosterone-killers”:

  • Commercial milks, yogurt, and cheeses
  • All processed foods
  • Soy based foods
  • Packaged, microwave meals.

I avoid these because they all contain estrogenic and progesterone compounds. And since I’m serious about building a lean, strong physique, I stay away from foods with higher estrogen levels. Otherwise the amount of testosterone my body produces will suffer.

I always know when my diet is affecting my testosterone output. I get “man boob” syndrome. When my chest looks puffy and my love handles start to protrude, it’s usually a sign that I have too much estrogen in my body. Again, it’s the vicious spiral of fat effecting testosterone and lower testosterone levels effecting fat. Now let’s talk about the foods I eat to force my body to produce more testosterone.

5 Foods to increase Testosterone:

  • Grass-fed beef
  • Whole eggs
  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Coconut oil

These are all sources of saturated fats. And contrary to popular belief, saturated fats aren’t that bad. Here’s why: Saturated fats contain cholesterol. Cholesterol is what our bodies use to make testosterone. I’m not saying to go out and gorge on high, saturated fatty foods. But avoiding them completely (as we were once lead to believe) is definitely not the answer. The key is eating the right amount on a daily basis. Too little and our testosterone levels will drop, too much and we begin risking heart health.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Why Should You Eat Garlic On An Empty Stomach?

Garlic has been considered as the “Wonder Drug”. Many studies conducted on the properties of garlic show that eating it on an empty stomach makes it a powerful natural antibiotic.

According to some researchers, the allicin in garlic has a strong bacteriostatic effect which helps cure infections faster. It can also fight fungal infections, which makes it a much more valuable medicine .Garlic is believed to be served best to an empty stomach.

Why is it good to Eat Garlic on an Empty Stomach?

Natural Antibiotic

Eating a little garlic right before breakfast allows the garlic to be waiting for bacteria and toxins in your stomach. It works as a very strong antioxidant and antibiotic, making it, essentially, a natural and healthy filter for your stomach.

Effective against various medical conditions

  • Garlic is known to relieve the symptoms of hypertension. Since it is effective for circulation, it also prevents heart problems.
  • It is really effective in treating stomach problems –  stimulates proper digestion and good appetite. It is effective for stomach problems, like diarrhea and helps prevent overproduction of stomach acid produced under stress.
  • Consuming garlic on an empty stomach could be a very good remedy for nerve problems.
  • Eating garlic can also help treat tuberculosis in several ways.
  • The healing properties of garlic help reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • It strengthens the immune system, thus increases the body’s ability to withstand the harmful influences of the environment.
  • It also aids in proper functioning of the liver and bladder and reduces the synthesis of triglycerides in the liver which help prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Garlic lowers blood pressure and also contains anti-inflammatory properties.

Efficient food for Detoxification

In alternative medicine, garlic is considered to be one of the most efficient foods when it comes to detoxification.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Ubtan - Ayurveda fairness tips for skin care, beauty care

Ubtan is one of the ancient beauty or fairness recipes passed on to us by Ayurveda that works best when used daily, for a certain period of time, say about 3-6 months.

Mix 1 tsp almond nuts + 1 tsp cashew nuts +1 1/2 tsp pistachio nuts, 1 tspmalai (upper skin of boiled milk), 1 tsp wheat germ oil, 1 tsp rose water, 1/4 cup red lentils, 1tsp chickpea flour. Grind the nuts + red gram in a blender until powdered, and then add the remaining ingredients together to form a paste. Massage the so formed Ubtan in upward motion on your face and let it dry off for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water.

Milk - Ayurveda fairness tips for skin care, beauty care

Milk can make your health as well as skin glowing. Milk is considered to be the perfect cleansing agent ever. You can use milk as a cleanser instead of using chemical products. Directly applying milk on to the skin with a cotton ball removes dirt and dust settled in your skin pores. Coconut milk has magical properties to cure all types of skin problems it helps skin glow. Coconut milk is also can be used to clean your face. Apply coconut milk on to your skin and wash it off with water after 15 minutes.

Papaya - Ayurveda fairness tips for skin care, beauty care

Papaya is good for both the health and the skin. Papaya the best natural fairness face mask ever is very beneficial for skin eliminating the dead skin cells, dirt and repairs skin to get glow and fairness on your face. Apply papaya pulp mixed with drop of milk on to your skin. Gently massage and leave it for 10 minutes and rinse with cold water. You can apply the papaya face pack at least thrice in a day. Eating papaya can also help to glow your skin.

7 Simple Ayurvedic Beauty Tips for Your Face

Glowing skin not only enhances our self-confidence but is also an indicator of our health. Though the market is flooded with products that claim to address every skin problem, majority of these are loaded with chemicals which are not good for our skin in the long run. With prolonged use, early signs of ageing may set in.

Mother Nature has in its store some of the best solutions for all kinds of beauty-related issues. All we need to do is tap into nature’s immense potential to keep our skin beautiful all round the year as well as prevent premature ageing. Ayurveda, our very own science of medicine, hailing from ancient times, is a storehouse of a number of herbal remedies which can naturally enhance the beauty of our skin, preventing and doing away with several common skin concerns such as pimples, acne, spots, dark circles, scars, wrinkles etc. Although inexpensive, the effectiveness of Ayurvedic remedies is immense.

Let us look at some simple Ayurvedic beauty tips for face which can help you acquire naturally glowing, problem-free skin:

Ayurvedic Beauty Tips for Face:

To cleanse the skin and pores: Raw Milk

One of the known basic ayurvedic tips for face glow is using raw milk. Raw milk helps remove unseen dirt and impurities from the face as well as the pores of the skin. It also adds a subtle glow and acts as a natural moisturizer. Use raw milk with a cotton ball to gently cleanse your skin. You may even mix a little lemon juice with raw milk for this purpose.

To acquire a smooth complexion: Orange

Applying fresh orange juice to your face on a daily basis will help bring about an improvement in the texture of your skin as well as the skin tone. This fruit is rich in Vitamin C which enables our body to fight ageing and it also acts as a good skin toner, especially for oily skin.

To control acne:

 Pack 1: Sandalwood and turmeric

Make a paste using 1tsp each of sandalwood powder and turmeric with water. Apply on your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes, followed by rinsing off with lukewarm water. Do this daily.

Pack 2: Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of the wonders of Nature that has a number of skin and health benefits. Break open a leaf, take out the fresh gel, apply on your face and massage in. Once dry, wash off with lukewarm water. Aloe Vera cannot exactly cure acne but it has amazing anti-inflammatory properties, thus helping to reduce the swelling and redness of pimples and acne. Noticeable results can be seen in a week’s time. Moreover, drinking Aloe Vera juice can enhance the vitality of the skin and also be useful in case of stomach ailments.

To reduce pigmentation, blemishes and dark spots: Potato

Potato is a very good natural skin lightener and one of the best ayurvedic remedies for glowing face. Rub a slice of raw potato daily on your skin to lighten pigmentation, blemishes and dark spots. Alternatively, onion, lime or cucumber juice may be used for the same purpose.

To naturally moisturize skin to avoid wrinkles and fine lines:

Pack 1: Olive Oil

Olive oil is a wonderful natural moisturizer loaded with antioxidants and fatty acids. Smooth on a thin layer of it onto your skin before bed every night to rejuvenate your skin and prevent the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.

Pack 2: Honey

Honey, an excellent natural humectant (a substance that promotes retention of moisture), can help you get soft and supple skin. It is extremely useful for avoiding wrinkles, flakiness and dryness.

Ayurvedic beauty tips for face have been used since many centuries to get naturally beautiful skin. Therefore, you too can start today!

Friday, November 13, 2015

25 Treatments for Arthritis Hip and Knee Pain

25 Treatments for Arthritis Hip and Knee Pain

Guidelines recommend combining drugs with non-medicinal remedies.

When it comes to treating osteoarthritis in your knees and hips, you may have more options than you realize. In February 2008, the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI), a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting osteoarthritis research and treatment, published its first evidence-based recommendations for treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip and knee. The goal was to eliminate inconsistent treatment approaches by creating simple guidelines that would enable health care providers to determine which therapies would be most useful for an individual patient.

The committee took the scientifically proven commonalities it found in the international literature, evaluated the level of scientific evidence, proposed a strength of recommendation for each modality, and then condensed them into a comprehensive “playbook” of 25 treatment recommendations. The first of the 25 recommendations is to combine drug and non-drug treatments for optimal results. The remaining 24 fall into three categories: non-drug, drug and surgical. Following are the 25 recommenda

tions with updates and links to further reading by Arthritis Today.

1. Drug and non-drug treatments. The optimal osteoarthritis (OA) treatment program should consist of both medications and non-drug treatments.

Non-drug Treatments

2. Education and self-management. The initial focus of treatment should be on what patients can do for themselves, rather than on passive therapies delivered by a health professional.

3. Regular telephone contact.  The best evidence for the benefit of phone contact came from a study of 439 OA patients in which monthly phone calls from lay personnel promoting self-care were associated with improvements in joint pain and physical function for up to a year.

4. Physical therapy. Studies consistently support the usefulness of an evaluation by a physical therapist and instruction in appropriate exercise to reduce pain and improve function. Physical therapists can also provide assistive devices to make daily tasks easier.

5. Aerobic, muscle-strengthening and water-based exercises. A rounded exercise program can promote muscle strength, improve range of motion, increase mobility and ease pain.

6. Weight loss. Maintaining your recommended weight or losing weight if you are overweight can lessen your pain by reducing stress on your affected joints. Weight loss specifically helps ease pressure on weight-bearing joints such as the hips and knees.

7. Walking aids. Canes and crutches can reduce pain in hip and knee or OA. If both hips and/or knees are affected wheeled walkers may be preferable.

8. Footwear and insoles. If osteoarthritis affects the knee, special footwear and insoles can reduce pain and improve walking.

9. Knee braces. For osteoarthritis with associated knee instability, a knee brace can reduce pain, improve stability and reduce the risk of falling.

10. Heat and cold. Many people find the heat of a warm bath, heat pack or paraffin bath eases OA pain. Others find relief in cold packs. Still others prefer alternating the two.

11. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).  A technique in which a weak electric current is administered through electrodes placed on the skin, TENS is believed to stop messages from pain receptors from reaching the brain. It has been shown to help with short-term pain control in some patients with knee or hip arthritis.

12. Acupuncture. A form of traditional Chinese medicine involving the insertion of thin, sharp needles at specific points on the body, acupuncture has been touted as a treatment for osteoarthritis pain. A recent trial of 352 patients with knee osteoarthritis showed small but statistically significant improvement in pain intensity two and four weeks after a course of acupuncture.

Drug Treatments

13. Acetaminophen is part of a group of pain-treating medications called analgesics. At a dosage of up to 4 grams per day, acetaminophen (Tylenol), can be an effective initial treatment for osteoarthritis pain. The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) recommends acetaminophen as the initial treatment for osteoarthritis of the hip and knee.

14. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Despite cardiovascular and gastrointestinal concerns about this class of drugs, the committee concludes NSAIDs can be useful for OA pain, but advises using at the lowest effective dosages and avoiding long-term use if possible.  In people at high risk of gastrointestinal side effects, the committee recommends a COX-2 inhibitor or a traditional NSAID along with proton pump inhibitor or other stomach-protective drug.

15. Topical analgesics (NSAIDs and Capsaicin). Topical NSAIDs and capsaicin, an analgesic derived from chili peppers, can be used along with or instead of oral analgesics or NSAIDs for OA pain. One of them, Voltaren Gel, is a topical formulation of the NSAID diclofenac, and is available only by prescription.

16. Corticosteroid injections. Injecting corticosteroid compounds directly into affected joints can be useful when there is localized inflammation and/or moderate to severe pain that doesn’t respond to oral pain relievers. The ACR recommends corticosteroid injections as an alternate initial therapy to acetaminophen for patients who have moderate to severe knee pain and signs of inflammation and who do not get relief from acetaminophen. You can have corticosteroid injections in the same joint three to four times per year.

17. Hyalruonic acid injections. A series of injections of hyaluronic acid, meant to supplement a natural substance that gives joint fluid its viscosity, may be useful in treating the pain of hip and knee arthritis, according to the experts. However, a recent study published in Arthritis & Rheumatism found a single intraarticular injection of hyaluronic acid for the treatment of hip osteoarthritis was ineffective in achieving significant pain relief in comparison to placebo.

18. Glucosamine and/or chondroitin for symptom relief. Treatment with one or both of these supplements may provide symptomatic benefit for some people with knee osteoarthritis. However, the experts advise discontinuing them if you don’t notice any relief within six months.

19. Glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin and/or diacerein for possible structure-modifying effects. There is some evidence that glucosamine or chondroitin may not only ease symptoms but may slow or halt cartilage breakdown in osteoarthritis. Similar effects have been seen with the osteoarthritis medication diacerein. (Diacerein is not approved in the U.S.)

20. Opioid and narcotic analgesics. The use of weak opioids and narcotic analgesics can be considered for patients who cannot tolerate other medications or for whom other medications are not effective, according to recommendations. Stronger opioids should be used only for the management of severe pain in “exceptional circumstances.”

21. Joint replacement surgery. When symptoms of knee or hip OA are not controlled with drug and non-drug treatments, replacing the joint with a prosthesis is often effective.

22. Unicompartmental knee replacement. Approximately 30 percent of people with knee osteoarthritis have disease that is largely restricted to one area of the joint. In these cases, unicompartmental knee replacement (also called partial knee replacement) may offer the same improvement and function as total knee replacement but with less trauma and better range of motion.

23. Osteotomy and joint-preserving surgery. For young, active people with hip or knee osteoarthritis, osteotomy (a procedure in which bones are cut and realigned to improve joint alignment) may delay the need for joint replacement by years.

24. Joint lavage and arthroscopic debridement. The roles of joint lavage (flushing the joint with a sterile saline solution) and arthroscopic debridement (the surgical removal of tissue fragments from the joint) are controversial. Some studies have shown short-term relief; however, a 2008 Cochrane Review by the Cochrane Collaboration – an international not-for-profit organization, providing up-to-date information about the effects of health care – shows that in people with osteoarthritis arthroscopic debridement probably does not improve pain or ability to function compared to placebo (sham surgery).

25. Joint fusion when replacement has failed. When knee replacement fails, joint fusion (a procedure in which the bones that form the joint are surgically prepared and then held in place with screws, pins or plates until they fuse into a single rigid unit) can be considered a salvage procedure.

What Is The Root Cause Of Your Digestive Problems?

What Is The Root Cause Of Your Digestive Problems?

This is one of the most important questions I address when I see clients for this issue (or all issues for that matter), or when I’m doing a lecture. Most natural health practitioners will simply tell you to do a colon cleanse, followed by enzymes, probiotics, and maybe some Aloe Vera. While this may work for some people, it will not work for most; at least not those things alone. This is because there are specific causes that go way deeper than being able to be fixed by just these methods.

Having said that, part of my job is to simplify sessions with my clients and because of that, I make sure I get to the actual cause very quickly, and then let the client know what I suggest to help them heal at the deepest level. Now, believe it or not, even when there is a deep rooted cause, it still usually takes only A few natural therapies to completely heal.

Common Causes for Digestive Issues:
-Candida (systemic yeast infection)
-Lingering viral, bacterial, or parasitic infection
-Heavy metal ‘poisoning’
-Colon issues like Diverticulitis, Diverticulosis, Crohn’s (autoimmune) and Colitis

Low body temperature (your body doesn’t produce enough enzymes to break down food & other toxins, which can create the above issues). This is the first thing I look at. Take your temperature 30 minutes after awakening, before taking in any food or liquid. If it’s below 98.2, then chances are you are not producing enough digestive or systemic enzymes. This is a subset within a subset, as there can be many causes of this.

Finding the right protocol to eliminate or manage digestive issues is a process but brings major health benefits to those who can stick to the protocol. Now, I will show you a variety of protocols that will help alleviate your digestive symptoms and give you the energy and vibrancy you deserve and are looking for.

Testing for Digestive Problems
In the last section, I spoke of various things that may be causing your digestive issues. With all the GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms) out there, combined with depleted soil, it’s no wonder that even those of us who try and eat healthily, end up with some type of digestive issue. Our bodies simply view GMO’s as foreign invaders, since these crops have been modified to the point where our body barely even recognizes them as food, and therefore doesn’t know what to do with them once they get in our bodies. Further, altering these foods removes many of the naturally occurring enzymes they once had, so now our body simply can not break down these foods as it would have in the past, when these foods’ were in their naturally occurring state, with all enzymes in tact.

Here’s another scary thought: Only about half of the tests we need to determine disease show up in the tests medical doctors perform. So where do we go to determine the other 50% of potential disease? Naturopathic Doctors (ND’s). So, let’s talk about the additional tests we need to determine what may be wrong with us.

1. Candida (systemic yeast infection):
Stool test from an ND (only major Candida will show up in the blood)

2. Lingering Bacterial Infection:
Stool test from an ND (bacteria will only show up in a blood or urine test if your regular doctor is testing for something specific)

3. Parasites:
Stool test from an ND (only a major parasite infection will show up in the blood, and a regular doctor will usually refuse to do a stool parasite test. Vets do it for animals, so why won’t doctors do it for humans!? It makes no sense!)

4. Lingering Viral Infection:
This must be considered when other tests show up negative. The only way to test for viruses is antibody tests in the blood done by an MD. Unfortunately, there is no way to know for sure if you have a virus unless blood comes back positive for the antibodies to fight off specific viruses. The good news is either I, or another qualified Natural Medicine Practitioner, will ask you the proper questions about your history to determine if you may have a lingering virus. All viruses we’ve ever had are still lying dormant in our system (which also become active at certain times), at least with traditional medical treatment. Are there natural ways to knock out viruses for good? yes!!!

5. Heavy Metal Poisoning:
A combination of blood, stool, hair, and urine tests, ordered by an ND. Most MD’s will not test for heavy metals, even if you ask for it (although they do know how). These tests are the most complex, because different types of heavy metals show up in different parts of the body. The good news is a good ND knows which ones to test for, based on your symptoms and history, as well as which ones will show up in the blood, hair, urine, or stool.

6. Crohns, Colitis, Diverticulosis, Diverticulitis:
These are all inflammatory issues within your colon, and much as it hurts me to say this, the only way to test for these issues is via a colonoscopy, through an MD. What is the number one cause of these issues? Gluten! Get off the gluten!

7. Leaky Gut Syndrome:
When we keep eating foods we’re sensitive to, such as gluten, dairy, corn, soy, etc. (we’ll talk about food sensitivities next), they begin building up in our digestive tract. Our body can not eliminate them, and as a result, bacteria and fungus begin to form, eventually beginning to ‘leak’ through our intestinal walls and into the bloodstream. This is known as Leaky Gut Syndrome. We’ll talk about how to heal this, and all other issues above, in the next article. The only way to test for this condition is a stool sample, ordered by an ND.

8. Food Sensitivities:
Wouldn’t it be great if we actually knew which foods we’re sensitive to, so we can avoid them? Well, we can! This test is also done through a stool sample, ordered by an ND. Why do we have so many food sensitivities nowadays that we’ve never had in the past? GMO’s!!! How do we avoid GMO foods? Anything that is a grain, nut, seed, bean, fruit, or vegetable, look on the label (or produce itself), and make sure it either says ‘NON-GMO’, or ‘CERTIFIED ORGANIC’, or ‘USDA ORGANIC’ (organic foods are automatically non-gmo).

Saturday, November 7, 2015

12 Amazing Health Wonders Of The Neem Tree:

Although Neem (Hindi for “Miracle tree”, Margosa or Indian Lilac), aptly called the “drug cabinet of Mother Nature”, is celebrated for the countless benefits that it bestows, but it’s curative worth is what makes it an essential part of any natural treatment. Neem is widely used in many Ayurvedic medicinal preparations and revered not only for its deep action but also the complete lack of side-effects. There will rarely be a household in India that does not have a bottle of virgin neem oil in their medicine chest.

12 Amazing Health Wonders Of The Neem Tree:

Almost all parts of the neem plant (i.e. its leaves, flowers, seeds, fruit, roots, dried branches and bark) have established medicinal features.

  • Neem sticks (twigs) are used in most of rural India as a toothbrush. It’s a morning ritual to chew on the twig (no need for toothpaste) and then mildly brush the gums and teeth with the same twig. Works better than most “advanced” toothpastes and mouth washes and prevents oral infections, bleeding and soothes tender gums.
  • Neem is an integral part (along with cloves) in natural toothpastes that naturally bleach teeth, fortify gums, and prevent tooth and gum decay.
  • Neem is a natural pesticide, germicide, etc.… all rolled in one. It is known to dissuade around five hundred types of destructive insects such as mites, bugs, ticks and roundworms; threadworms etc. It does this by altering the behavior patterns and physiology of those insects. Due to its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral features, neem assists in safe-guarding from numerous microbes that attack the human body.
  • Neem oil extract reduces wrinkles by assisting the creation of collagen, critical for maintaining the skin’s elasticity and avoiding/delaying sign of aging. Neem oil is supportive in curing diverse ailments of skin like acne, rashes etc.
  • Neem assists in instantly healing wounds by activating the collagen fibers to seal the damaged tissues. The oil extorted from its leaves can assist in curing sores, abrasions, scratches and infections.
  • Topically applying neem paste assists in curing eczema and psoriasis.
  • Neem oil extract relieves joint pains, and helps in the building of tough and resilient bones.
  • Neem tea soothes stressed nerves, calms the mind and provides instant invigoration and relief. A dip in warm bath infused with drops of neem oil can expel muscle stress and soreness after a hectic workday.
  • A paste made of Neem leaves applied on the scalp prevents hair loss, premature graying, dandruff and invasion of lice.
  • Neem tea is known to improve blood circulation and boost the creation of healthy blood cells.
  • Neem tea is highly recommended for diabetics as it has curative properties that reduce blood sugar levels.
  • Neem seeds blended in warm water, taken on an empty stomach for a week, is a time-tested treatment to stop bleeding from hemorrhoids.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

How To Reduce Bad cholesterol

We can maintain our cholesterol level by drinking a simple solution.


  • Curry leaves 10 gram
  • One glass curd extracted water
  • One piece ginger

How To Prepare

Grind the curry leaves well. Mix the leaves with small pieces if ginger. make it as solution with curd extracted water.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Simple Home Remedies To Relieve Acid Reflux Naturally

Simple Home Remedies To Relieve Acid Reflux Naturally

The Digestion Process:

Ingested food passes down the oesophagus (food pipe) into the stomach. Stomach cells produce mucus which protects the stomach lining from damage from digestive acids and chemicals, produced by the stomach itself. The oesophagus cell linings are more delicate and have little protection from acid.

A sphincter (a ring of muscule that contracts to close an opening) called lower esophageal sphincter (LES), is present at the junction of the oesophagus and stomach. This valve relaxes to allow food into the stomach and closes preventing food and stomach acid leaking up (refluxing) into the oesophagus.

This can cause symptoms such as heartburn, burping, chest pain and in severe cases acid reflux disease, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

What Causes Acid Reflux Disease?

  • In some cases the upper part of the stomach and LES move above the diaphragm, negating the diaphragm’s blocking of stomach acids moving into the oesophagus. This abnormality is called Hiatal hernia.
  • Eating a heavy meal and lying on your back or bending over at the waist
  • Snacking close to bedtime
  • Eating certain foods, such as citrus, tomato, chocolate, mint, garlic, onions, or spicy or fatty foods
  • Drinking certain beverages, such as alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, or tea
  • Smoking
  • Being pregnant
  • Taking aspirin, ibuprofen, certain muscle relaxers, or blood pressure medications.

What Are the Symptoms of Acid Reflux Disease?

  • Heartburn: A burning sensation upwards towards the chest and throat.
  • Bloating, burping and nausea.
  • Dysphagia — a narrowing of your esophagus, which creates the sensation of food being stuck in your throat.
  • Continual Hiccups.
  • A persistent cough, particularly at night sometimes occurs. This is due to the refluxed acid irritating the windpipe (trachea).
  • Mouth and throat symptoms such as gum problems, bad breath, sore throat, and hoarseness.
  • Severe chest pain.

Natural Home Remedied For Fighting Acid Reflux:
Check out the Natural and Simple Home Remedies that you can help you prevent and quickly fightback episodes of Acid reflux:

Tip for soma roga. Ladies suffering from excess white discharge accompanied with weakness

Tip for soma roga

Soma roga is a problem where there is an excess white discharge accompanied with weakness. The ladies suffering from this problem may also suffer from frequent urination and dryness of the mouth.
This remedy relieves most of the symptoms.

Mash together :

  1. 50 gm of an overripe banana
  2. 1 small level teaspoon of amla powder or 5 ml of amla juice.
  3. 10 ml of honey and
  4. a little rock candy sugar (mishri) powder.
  5. Eating this mixture twice a day for a week will relieve the symptoms.
  6. Pregnant women and people suffering from diarrhea may have to avoid this.

Touch me not plant/Mimosa pudica for cough

Touch me not plant/Mimosa pudica for cough

Mimosa pudica* is also known as chuimui because of its unique property to droop or collapse when touched and opens up a few minutes later.

മലയാളത്തില്‍ തൊട്ടാവാടി - in Malayalam

*Sensitive Plant, Touch-me-not • Hindi: Chui-mui छुई-मुई, Lajwanti लाजवंती • Manipuri: Kangphal, Kangphal ikaithabi • Tamil: தொட்டாச்சுருங்கி thottaccurungi • Malayalam: Tintarmani • Assamese: Nilajban • Bengali লজ্জাবতী Lajjabati
This plant has many medicinal properties and its anti-cough property is one of them.

When a small piece of root is tied to a chain around the neck-the cough reduces remarkably.This is especially useful for children.
Adults can wash the root well and suck on it for relief from cough and throat troubles.

The paste of the leaves can be applied over the swollen tonsils area and goitre area for immense relief.

When the root is boiled with water and the concoction is taken with tulasi juice and honey it is very soothing for the throat.